Posted at 09:45 AM in Language, Music, Peek at the Future Present | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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At the heart of this post lies a simple idea.
The idea that the complexity that envelops our lives today is an asset, and not a liability. And that it is up to us to seize the day, as it were, and use the extraordinary resources of the 21st century that go way beyond anything that was dreamed possible even 25 years ago to create a richer and the richer, more diverse, and, quite conceivably, a more just world.
For this to happen, though, a few collective paradigm shifts must take place.
Therefore, right brain thinking, a new type of education and creative use of available technologies will produce a radically different world that what we have known.
And here again, the process is not linear. Like in any major societal endeavour there will be (and there are already) many dissenting voices, many (legitimate) concerns and a few luddite resistors. In the societal evolution process of the coming 25 years, many will feel left out, many will be left out for fact and many will fight.
I don't think that it will hugely impact the change process that we are experiencing. Because of its inherent diversity and non linear evolutionary process, the upcoming century will be hugely more resilient than any preceding age. It can include the resistors, the nay-sayers (as well as the overzealous) and will take on a life of its own.
Once again, the collective will be bigger than the individual. Individualism comes from left brain thinking. The sense of belonging, of being part of a bigger something that underpins and guides our existence is, in my mind, right brain stuff.
However, I would not like to create the impression of a new dichotomy where left is bad and right is good (although all our Western languages do already convey that impression…). I also do not want to glorify the right brain over the left brain or to castigate the history of the past 250 years since the beginning of the enlightenment (the rise of the left brain).
I see more of the third phase of a dialectic movement whereby the 21st century will use the whole mind - both left and right brain functions equally well and as mutually completing and complementary (if not complimentary) tools. In order to achieve that, we need to resolutely refocus the left-brainers of this world towards the opportunities that the more powerful usage of our intellectual resources can contribute to our understanding of the world (left), the creation of the next generation world (right) and the powerful integration of the new concepts and realities (left and right).
Now let's think about that creatively, in a more complex way.
Posted at 07:40 AM in Brain Matters, Ecological perspectives, Education, Innovation & Creativity, Language, Peek at the Future Present, Philosophy, Science | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Told in a double side-by-side video: the biblical version told in scientific language and vice versa. I particularly enjoyed the description of the 6-day creation process in 21st century industry standard language.
A full version on the Duelity website, where you can also watch each side independently.
Posted at 04:09 AM in Education, Language, Musings, Philosophy, Religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Jurgen Wolff has a remarkable video on his blog of this year's winner of Ukraine's Got Talent. Artists, and friends of good stories, take note.
Posted at 09:57 AM in Language, Musings | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 09:19 AM in Business Coaching, Language, Musings | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? Well that is how many different words there are in the English language.
"with the necessary breadth of geographic distribution, and depth of citations."
999,999: Jai Ho! – The Hindi phrase signifying the joy of victory, used as an exclamation, sometimes rendered as “It is accomplished”. Achieved English-language popularity through the multiple Academy Award Winning film, “Slumdog Millionaire”.
999,998: N00b — From the Gamer Community, a neophyte in playing a particular game; used as a disparaging term.
999,997: Slumdog – a formerly disparaging, now often endearing, comment upon those residing in the slums of India.
999,996: Cloud Computing – The ‘cloud’ has been technical jargon for the Internet for many years. It is now passing into more general usage.
999,995: Carbon Neutral — One of the many phrases relating to the effort to stem Climate Change.
999,994: Slow Food — Food other than the fast-food variety hopefully produced locally (locavores).
999,993: Octomom – The media phenomenon relating to the travails of the mother of the octuplets.
999,992: Greenwashing – Re-branding an old, often inferior, product as environmentally friendly.
999,991: Sexting – Sending email (or text messages) with sexual content.
999,990: Shovel Ready – Projects are ready to begin immediately upon the release of federal stimulus funds.
Posted at 06:25 AM in Brain Matters, Education, Language | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)