This blog, as some of you have duly noted, has been unduly silent.
This is not because I lost interest, on the contrary. The idea of exploring what will happen to us over the long term, from a bird's perspective, appeals to me more than ever. The silence did also not come about because I was so extraordinarily busy. (Note to self: I was, of course, but that cannot be the excuse, I am afraid.)
Somehow, there has been an anecdotal touch to some of the posts, as someone unwittingly put it to me. And I realised that the red thread that was meant to underline and underlie the entire project had worn somewhat thin. Or at least invisible to some of the readers, including myself.
The entire idea of this blog was to aim for the bigger picture view and put perspective into the massive change process that is surrounding us, and for many, engulfing us. Change in itself has no value attached to it. Change is neutral. It's what we make of it, what we put into it, how we cope, and how we communicate that makes the difference.
At the same time, our Big Change leaves about 80% of the world population indifferent. (Or worse off.)
Therefore, I am in the process of rethreading the project.
So, thank you for commenting on the silence. It tells me that you care, which is encouraging.
Thank you also for hanging around. The new decade will be exciting, and we will have lots to talk about.